Wyndham Rewards
Wyndham Rewards ·
Wyndham Rewards
Wyndham Rewards is the hotel industry’s simplest and most generous loyalty program.
Our goal was to highlight all the possibilities Wyndham Rewards points can unlock for its members. I worked on the ideation and art direction of brand videos, social media assets, and property material, as well as the look and feel of lifestyle photo shoots.
To maintain consistency across a large volume of print assets that needed to be produced I worked with the head of design to develop rules and guidelines for their creation.
I worked to utilize our lifestyle and property photo and video library to concept and develop narratives on social. Resulting in a 64% increase in social audience growth since launch.
I worked on the ideation and pre-production of the lifestyle photography shot in Wyndham Rewards Hotels | Photographer: Todd Selby
Wyndham Rewards x NASCAR
Wyndham Rewards wanted to educate race fans about the opportunity to take advantage of the Wyndham Rewards Rewarding Rate, with their driver Ryan Newman.
I worked on the creative development and execution of videos for TV and social.